Feb 2, 2019
Lessons Learned From Epilepsy
It took a crash - which could have been fatal - and the diagnosis of epilepsy in order to open my eyes to assess my entire life. The life...

Jan 30, 2019
A Chrohn's Flare Up Led To My Surgery
My name is Nick, 24, and I'm going to tell you about my first surgery, of three, on the road to my j pouch (an ileo-anal pouch which...

Jan 23, 2019
A Life's Health Journey
My health journey really started back when I was ten. This is when I first started having health problem, mainly digestive issues at this...

Jan 7, 2019
What On Earth Is...Scleroderma?
What on earth is scleroderma anyway? I’ve talked a lot about the condition on my blog and social media, but I don’t think I’ve ever...

Dec 9, 2018
10 Things I Wish I'd Asked My Doctor When I Was First Diagnosed!
When I was first diagnosed with scleroderma at 15-years-old, after a year of being bounced around consultants, I was so shell-shocked...
Nov 13, 2018
Strong, brave and beautiful
This one is hard for me. I was putting off writing about this uncomfortable situation I found myself in for a while because I was...
Oct 24, 2018
Diet. A word that gets thrown around all the time. I’m sure everyone in their life has said or heard someone proclaim that they are...
Oct 17, 2018
Escaping Reality!
“Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.” -Joseph Addison Are you ever in a funk and need to escape for a while? Or stuck...
Sep 2, 2018
525,600 minutes
I want to talk about something that I don’t know if I’ve ever brought up before on this blog. Something that I’ve been dealing with...
Aug 13, 2018
I'm back!
Hello world! I want to apologize for my over two month hiatus, but it feels really good to be back and writing and reflecting. In late...