Apr 2, 2018
It Takes One to Know One
As chronic illness patients, we become very familiar with the healthcare system. We have to be. Hours upon hours of our lives are spent...
Apr 1, 2018
Looking Past the Illness
Our society is obsessed with the idea of binary: male/female, white/black, straight/gay, fact/opinion, heart/brain, healthy/sick. While...
Mar 24, 2018
Welcome to the Revolution
Today, a few friends and I travelled to Washington DC to attend the march for our lives. I got back about an hour ago and decided that I...
Mar 24, 2018
Tips for Living With a Chronic Illness
Chronic Illness Fighters go through a lot, and sometimes it’s not easy. Here are some life tips to help those living as a chronic...

Mar 14, 2018
A Letter to My Extrodinary Self
Dear Self, Each sunrise is a new opportunity for you. It is a fresh start to try life over again, because each day is not always the...

Mar 4, 2018
Faith in Fay
Can we just talk about inspirational people for a second?! They’re pretty freaking awesome! They push us to want to succeed, to conquer...

Feb 24, 2018
The Scary F Word...Future
It is oh-so-easy to reflect on the past; to reminisce on the good days that have already happened. The reason for this is because the...
Feb 17, 2018
Changing it up
So, for this post, I’m gonna change it up a little bit. I want to talk about something not at all related to body positivity, but...
Feb 5, 2018
Give Kids The World
Give Kids The World is a non-profit organization that “provides weeklong, cost-free vacations to children with life-threatening illnesses...
Jan 28, 2018
One-in-a-Million with a Million Reasons to Smile
By the time I was a year old I had endured eight major surgeries. I was born with many anatomical irregularities that left me with severe...