Oct 8, 2017
Embracing the Body We Have
While scrolling through instagram today a post by @bodyposipanda caught my eye about body positivity in relation to disabled people and I...

Oct 5, 2017
Beauty in Bed
Hi, I have an idea I’d like to call “Beauty In Bed," ideas and tips for those of us stuck in the hospital, on bedrest, in recovery or...

Oct 3, 2017
Studying to be a Doctor While Living as a Patient
I was diagnosed with Chiari Malformation and Syringomyelia during college. At the time I had no idea my life would change forever. Since...
Sep 30, 2017
The past 24 hours I have been observing the holiday of Yom Kippur. In the Jewish religion Yom Kippur is a holiday of repentance. It is...
Sep 24, 2017
The Number on the Scale
I’ve wanted to tackle this topic for a long time but was never quite sure how because when we define our body, this is what we think of. ...

Sep 7, 2017
"Your illness does not define you, but your strength and courage does"
Hi! My name is Emily, and I have complex regional pain syndrome. I've battled this condition for nearly three years now. Sure, I've had...
Sep 3, 2017
The Ever-Changing Nature of Our Perceptions
My body is my best friend. It’s always there for me, it is always looking for ways to keep me healthy and happy, it heals me and it...
Aug 18, 2017
Treat Yo Self!
Humans like order, method, organization, and structure. We live our lives under a set of unspoken guidelines and strict rules, following...
Aug 4, 2017
Let's Talk About Therapy
Right before I went to go see my first (of many) therapists I was young, maybe 8 or 9 years old and I remember I felt embarrassed, like...
Jul 21, 2017
Girl (and boy) Power!
I love women. I love women because we are strong and invincible. I love women because of the courage we display in the face of bigotry,...