How to Love Your Body (with some help)
Here’s the deal: while (for the most part) I am beyond proud of every part of my body, it took me years to get here and I know I am not done learning how to love myself. There are still days when I look in the mirror and feel unhappy, disgusted, at the reflection looking back at me. It’s not always easy but I am determined to be a warrior, not only for myself but for all those who needs strength and grit in the future. That is why I want to dedicate this blog post to all of my inspirations- ladies who have stepped up and shared their curves, stories and bravery with the world. Without these incredible women, I would not be in the same place I am today. I want to encourage everyone to check out some of the blogs I’m posting below because, who knows, one of them might change your life like it changed mine.
The first killer female I want to bring everyone’s attention to is bodyposipanda. This girl is the definition of a survivor. She’s struggled through eating disorders since being a child and now is a huge body positivity activist. You can find her blog here: or follow her on instagram at bodyposipanda.
Another inspiration I want to point out is Ashley Graham, a plus size model who was featured as a judge on America’s Next Top Model. This girl is beautiful, curvy and an example that every shape and size it beautiful. Her website is and her instagram is theashleygraham.
I want to point out that although these blogs and instagrams can be incredibly helpful, it’s important not to get too overwhelmed by social media (that’s basically what created negative body images right?!). These blogs are in no way a cure to all insecurities because that has to come from within. But they also can be a source of immense inspiration and hope. Here are some more of my favorite bloggers (website URL’s and instagram handles):, @fabfourfashion , @mrskateharding, @flightofthefatgirl, @kittehinfurs, @glitterandlazers
There are so many amazing blogs out there, so go searching! If you find any you really love you can send me their links and I can post them publicly.
Love always,