Check out what The Fight Like A Warrior community is doing while at home
Times are...weird right now. And we are all adjusting to this new normal. And the new normal seems to be changing every day. We are grateful for our Fight Like A Warrior community and we are here for each other.
We asked our Instagram followers what they are up to while staying home, self-quarantining and social distancing. Check out the list below and our Instagram page for some more posts to come.

-writing poetry (please share!)
-rearranging things in the house
-trying out new outfits (ohhh, do I see an online fashion show in our future??)
-cleaning art supplies
-focusing on moving their business online
-playing banjos, ukulele and saxophone
-nail art (hopefully pics to be shared??)
-finishing up oil paintings
-listening to audiobooks (what are some of your favorites? I usually enjoy crime and murder mystery, however right now I'm looking for something lighter and funny.)
-having video calls with loved ones (priceless)
-reorganize cabinets and drawers (goals!)
-schoolwork (also, check out some local colleges and continuing education as some are offering free online learning right now)
-listening to podcasts and reading blogs (if you need a break from social media and the news, check out some light hearted, fun ones)
-puzzles (available online too if you don't have any in house)
-getting outside for fresh air but away from the public
-virtual museum tours (here's one from The Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History)
-napping (one of my all-time personal favorites)
-online shop (check out small businesses such as those on Etsy and you can support Fight Like a Warrior through our Amazon Smile)
-writing letters to soldiers and people in nursing homes
-binging all shows on streaming devices (let us know your favorites!)
-exercise and yoga (YogaGirl is offering classes for free as well as many local studios, personal
trainers and gyms)
-online games and apps (who's up for a game of Words with Friends??)
-meditation (there are a lot of apps offering free subscriptions such as Insight Timer)
-try out new recipes (mmmm, maybe we can get some inspiration from each other)
-update your resume, LinkedIn and online applications (also find us here)
And some of our community members are still having to leave the house for work. So we thank you all for the work you are doing and hoping all of our community members stay safe and well.
We are in this together.

Follow us on Instagram for more: @Fightlikeawarrior