Exhala: A Poem
Poem by Isabel Mavrides-Calderon
The storm has passed
Inhala, Exhala
I have to remind myself it's over
hospital beds, pain, beeping machine,
being stuck in my motionless body struggling
to go on
No control, just fear.
The storm has passed, it’s over
I can’t get it out of my head
The look on my mom’s face
Fear, desperation, lack of control over her
daughter's life
The sound of her voice when she said, I love you,
not knowing if she would ever say it to me
It’s imprinted in my brain
But the storm has passed
It's over now.
I hear loud coughs coming from my dad
My mom looks at me
I can recognize the same fear in her eyes she
had for me
Inhala, Exhala
I can't fully breathe
I tested positive, I’m high risk,
but that doesn’t mean events will repeat
I’m stopped by pain
I don't have control
My mom comes
Treatment will help, no need to fear
But I see the same look on her face
I tune it out and start classes
I hear my mom’s trembling voice on the phone
The same fear I heard in June
I hear her tears, the same tears I heard before
The way she is only able to cry when she is
scared for me
Inhala ..
I can't do it.
I lost total control.
We rush to the ER
I walk through the same doors I've walked
through countless times before
But the storm has passed
Why aren’t things different?
And they are
Beds zoom by with patients struggling to gain
The smell of alcohol that I know so well is joined
by a smell of fear
No one has control.
The steady beep of the machines that once
drove me insane
is replaced with erratic beeps
Doctors come in to help me regain control
They know so much, but so little
Faced with the decision to give me the only thing
that will save me
But might kill me
They say, we don't know enough
A reminder that they don’t have control
I look out into the hallway that was once a peds
I was there three weeks before
In pain
Now I’m back
The pictures of the beach in the wall I have
perfectly memorized
I thought back to all the times I would stare at
those happy healthy kids on the beach
wishing I was them
Now the whole Peds ER is no longer
It’s fear, Corona triage
I think back to the only light I had in the storm,
Will hope get us through this?
Can hope make this pass too?
The storm has passed
But a tsunami has started.

For more from Isabel, follow on IG: @powerfullyisa and @isabelmavrides